Monday, March 12, 2007

Going back in time the two "relaxing" days we had in Bogota. We visited Montserrate one day and the Salt mine/Cathedral. One lets you see an amazing view of the city below you; the other takes you into the depths of a mine where a wonderful cathedral (or so I'm being told -- I was too sick and only lasted about ten minutes inside the mine). We actually don't have photos of the mine; it was too dark and we hope we can see something in the video (we haven't checked) but a full church is there, where mass is still celebrated. Everyone says that it was pretty amazing :-)

Los dos primeros dias que estuvimos en Bogota, paseamos un poco, antes de venirnos a Cali. Bogota tiene un cerro, Montserrate, donde esta una iglesia y una vista magnifica de la ciudad. El otro sitio que visitamos fue la Catedral/Mina de Sal -- hay una catedral dentro de la mina. De esto no tenemos fotos porque estaba muy oscuro. Yo me enferme y vi solo la entrada a la mina pero todos los demas que fueron dicen que estaba increible. Aqui van unas fotos:

De esta foto estamos viendo desde la plaza de la iglesia. El edificio blanco del lado derecho es un restaurante (ahi almorzamos). El edificio del lado izquierdo es otro restaurante. In the backgroud you can see another mountain top. That's another church/viewpoint which we understand is much harder to get to.

Tlittle 'car' you see in the middle of the picture, suspended by cables, is what we had to get on to get to the mountain top. En esto nos subimos para llegar a la cima.

A view of Bogota.



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