Thursday, March 22, 2007

Today's post (hopefully posted TODAY!)

We had problems with the power today (which means no wireless access! among other things). So, I hope I can finish this post without further incidents.

We are done! Well, we have to go pick up visa paperwork tomorrow at 4 but, unless something very extreme were to happen, it is pretty much a done deal that Pablo Santiago's visa will be ready as promised. So, we have confirmed our flights for Saturday and will be arriving in LAX Saturday evening. A sister or two (THANK you!) will pick us up and we'll be riding down to San Diego that same evening -- we wouldn't want to spend one more night in a hotel for now.

We weren't so prepared to face the cooler weather and rain of Bogota but we'll manage. It makes it hard to go out, too, as we don't want to come back with a soaked baby. Thanks for everyone for reading our blog, sending your messages and posting comments when possible (I know that a lot of people have been having trouble posting comments and can't figure out why. Anynomous seems to work most of the time). If I don't get to post before we leave, I'll write we we've landed in the northern part of the continent :-)

Entonces....ya casi llegamos. Solo nos falta recoger la visa maniana, empacar y todavia ir algo de compras (claro, si la lluvia nos lo permite). Lulu ya cuenta las noches para volver a su casa. Dice que ya quiere su cama y quiere mostrar su hermanito. Dice que se lo van a querer quitar y que les va a decir que no, por si a alguien se le estaba ocurriendo bromear sobre ese asunto :-) Yo (mama) creo que Pablo Santiago ya anda estrenando diente. Veremos si lo puedo confirmar. Saludos y hasta muy pronto!El segundo domingo que estuvimos en Cali del hotel nos llevaron a todas las familias a este "resort" en un ciudad a un lado de Cali, llamada Palmira. We spent all day relaxing, some swimming. Lulu even had her first horseback riding experience and loved it!

When you are four years old and you have spent two wonderful weeks with other four year old girls who have become your best friends, it is hard to say good bye. Lulu was very sentimental when we left Cali because she was leaving her friends. Esta fue la ultima cena de estas tres bellezas juntas porque al dia siguiente una se iba de paseo. Esperamos seguir en contacto con estas familias que hemos conocido. Anoche estaba muy triste porque le hacen falta sus amigas.Lulu can give some pretty tight, well-intentioned hugs. This one was very well deserved :-) Hasta pronto Y, we hope to see you in the future! Esperamos que te estes divirtiendo en Cartagena.


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