Friday, March 23, 2007

Ciao, Colombia!
Ultimo mensaje desde y no le hemos tomoda a Pablo ninguna foto en Bogota. Salimos a las 9:30 de Bogota. Nos recogen en el hotel a las 5:30 a.m. (3:30 hora de San Diego). Llegamos a Los Angeles a las 7:30 y de ahi a manejar a la casa....asi es que nos espera un dia MUY largo. El que quiere conocer a Pablo Santiago y felicitar a su hermana mayor, es bienvenido....como decimos: caiganle! [ahi disculpen los que estan cuidando acentos y ortografia; hay dias en que no hay tiempo para eso]. Dios mediante, nos vemos pronto.
So, Jose picked up the visa today, we bought plenty of coffee so we are good to go. The taxi will pick us up at 5:30 in the morning (3:30 PST) and we don't expect to make it home before 10 p.m. so a very long day is ahead of us but it will be worth every minute of it. I just realized that we haven't taken a single picture of Pablo Santiago in Bogota, so maybe Brooke can share the ones she took today. We'll miss the people we've met along this journey, hope to be in touch and more than anything, we wish that everyone gets sentencia very soon. I hope that Octavio, Sofia, Maria Fernanda, Thomas, Carolina and everyone else gets to go home very soon. For those of you close to home, you are welcome to stop by and meet Pablo and congratulate her very proud sister. They have both been great throughout the trip (no more problems than the expected) and they are truly the loves of our lives. It feels great to be a family of four. Again, we will be forever thankful to Chiquitines and this land that has given us our two treasures. Hasta la vista!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laura - I can't express how happy and excited I am for your family. It has been wonderful reading your blogs the whole time you have been away. I have been keeping Daniela and Andre in the loop of Lulu's new baby brother. They have enjoyed seeing all the wonderful pictures you have displayed and can't wait to meet Pablo. Once again, congratulations to all and happiness forever!

Maria Beltran

8:22 AM  

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