Thursday, August 31, 2006

Hola Amigos y Familiares!

Si estan leyendo este sitio es porque ya saben algo de nuestra historia. Por si no, aquí va un resumen.

Otra vez nos vemos frente a la imminente llegada de un nuevo miembro de la familia. Así como fuimos bendecidos con la llegada de Lulú a nuestras vidas, desde Cali, Colombia a Chula Vista, llegará otra preciosa criatura.

Hemos pasado por un papeleo tremendo, como es en esto de las adopciones internacionales y, oficialmente, tenemos esperando desde Mayo 2005. Solo sabemos que será una pequeña ó pequeño de 0 a 24 meses. Iremos al Centro de Adopción Chiquitines en Cali, Colombia. Algun día nos llamarán, nos darán información sobre el/la bebé, nos dirán si hay que actualizar alguno o más documentos, conseguirimos visas, haremos planes de viaje y hacia allá iremos! El/la bebé será puesto a nuestro cuidado desde casi que lleguemos y saldremos del pais hasta nos den la sentencia de adopción y luego la visa para regresar a Estados Unidos.

La espera se nos hace eterna. Algunos días son mejores que otros. Lulú también sabe que un bebé vendrá a nuestras vidas y no nos deja deshacernos de nada de lo que tenemos de bebé porque "es pa' mi baby 'mano"!

Gracias por su compañia y apoyo y los mantendremos informados.
Hello Family and Friends,

If you are reading this blog, you are probably somewhat aware that we are in our second international adoption journey. We've decided to start and maintain this blog so you can check on our progress (or lack thereof) towards the ultimate joy: the arrival of a new baby into our lives.

The big paperchase (and then some) was done quite a while ago. We've been officially waiting, after all the paperwork, since May 05. We are approved to receive a child 0-24 months, boy or girl, from the same adoption house that took care of Lulu during the first couple of months of her life.

For those of you not so familiar with international adoption, here's what remains of the journey. One day, we'll have a referral for a baby, a phone call from our adoption agency. We'll get some information and at least a picture. In all likelihood, we'll officially accept the referral. Our adoption rep will tell us if there are any documents that need to be updated. We'll apply for a visa to travel to Colombia and make travel arrangements. Back in 2002, we were in Colombia within about two weeks of the referral date.

Once in Colombia, our baby will be placed in our arms forever shortly after our arrival. We stay in the country until all paperwork is done, most importantly receiving an adoption decree and, finally, visa to enter the U.S. Our stay in Colombia last time was three weeks.

So, all we do at the moment is wait and wait and wait. We are anxious, excited at the prospect of being parents of two and of providing Lulu with the the joys and challenges of having someone else to share life with.

Thank you for your support during this process and for letting us share our experiences. And, for bearing with us as we try to maintain a bilingual blog.